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Aide à la conception & expertise technique ; création d’outils spécifiques.

Kinetic light installation

« The piece is embodying computational models of complex systems through a swarm of objects and their real-life light communication. Together they are forming a collective artificial intelligence, a pseudo-societal and nonhuman interaction space: a dancefloor for simple robotic devices.

It was quite a ride, considering the circumstances, I’m very happy and relevied that the installation is finally finished. Thanks to everyone who supported me with this, especially: Marie Lelouche, CHRISTOPHEGREGÓRIO.ART, Qhloé Taverregniet, Dominik Noli, Christian and Bipolar !
This is still a small version of the piece with 150 objects, but everything is (almost) ready for a large-scale setup with 400!
Hopefully there will be a chance for that somewhere soon.
The project has been made possible by the kind support of: Région Hauts-de-France, Pro Helvetia, DICRéAM of CNC – Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée and La Folie Numérique. »

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